Technological Prospection of User Collaboration Applications for Service Evaluation and Measurement




Applications, Evaluation, Prospection.


The social control of state actions is strengthened within the national legislation, enabling users, through collaborative technologies, to provide information for evaluation and measurement of public services, strengthening the performance of institutions. This work aimed to address the technological prospection of user collaboration applications, with a view to database creation, for evaluation and measurement of service results. Articles on the theme were identified in national and international databases, in order to verify technological maturity and other aspects related to the use of applications in the evaluation and measurement of service results. From the obtained results, it was verified the existence of distinct studies; However, the research identified propositions pertinent to the proposed theme. By analyzing the aspects of prospecting, it was concluded that application development meets a demand that daily aligns with the technological resources available in the market.


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Author Biographies

Adison Mascarenhas, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Marabá, PA, Brazil

Graduated in Information Systems from Faculdade Metropolitana de Marabá (2011). Specializations in Administration and Finance from Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil (2015), Constitutional Law from Faculdade Futura (2018) and Teaching for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education from Instituto Federal do Pará (2018). He is currently Administrative Technician in Education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, Campus Marabá Industrial. He has experience in the area of ​​Public Administration and Information Technology Infrastructure and is interested in the area of ​​Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 1835607814798403

Witalo Tedesco Paim, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Marabá, PA, Brazil

Graduated in Information Systems from Faculdade Metropolitana de Marabá (2011). Specializations in Administration and Finance from Escola Superior Aberta do Brasil (2015), Constitutional Law from Faculdade Futura (2018) and Teaching for Professional, Scientific and Technological Education from Instituto Federal do Pará (2018). He is currently Administrative Technician in Education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, Campus Marabá Industrial. He has experience in the area of ​​Public Administration and Information Technology Infrastructure and is interested in the area of ​​Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 1835607814798403

Emillyn Bárbara de Assunção Pantoja, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Marabá, PA, Brazil

Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Pará (2013). Specializations in Administrative Law from Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante (2017) and Tax Law from Faculdade Futura (2018). He is currently a Judicial Analyst - Judicial Area, at the Court of Justice of the State of Pará. He has experience in the field of Law, with an emphasis on Administrative and Tax Law. Interested in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Address to access this CV:

Leandro de Oliveira Ferreira, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Marabá, PA, Brazil

Doctor in Administration from UNIMEP (2015), Master in Administration from Universidade Paulista (2006), Graduated in Business Administration from Fundação Educacional de Barretos (1999). He is currently a professor of the PROFNIT master's program and People Management at the Institute of Applied Social Sciences, he was Pro-Rector of Administration and Infrastructure at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará. He was Director of the Institute of Applied Social Sciences at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará. He was professor and coordinator of the Administration course at FAIMI. He was a professor of People Management at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG). He was the coordinator of the undergraduate course in Administration, Accounting Sciences and the MBA's programs in People Management, Financial Management, Auditing and Controlling, Competitive Business Management at Faculdade Barretos. With experience in the area of ​​family business, family succession, people management, knowledge management and public management. Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 2582090861532744

Elias Fa guryNeto, Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, Marabá, PA, Brazil

He holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará (1997), a Master's degree in Materials Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (2000) and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (2005). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, holding the position of Dean of Undergraduate Teaching. As a researcher, he has experience in the area of ​​Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, with emphasis on Ceramic and Composite Materials, working mainly on the following topics: recycling and reuse of industrial waste, synthesis and processing of ceramic and composite materials, refractory ceramics and characterization of materials. . Address to access this CV: Lattes ID: 3004502388905443


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How to Cite

Mascarenhas, A., Paim, W. T., Pantoja, E. B. de A., Ferreira, L. de O., & Fagury Neto, E. . (2019). Technological Prospection of User Collaboration Applications for Service Evaluation and Measurement. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1472.