Autoria em tempos de Cultura Digital e a formação dos Sujeitos da Educação
Education, Digital Culture, AuthorshipsAbstract
This text presents socio-historical aspects of the concept of authorship, seeking to highlight new meanings of the notions of author and authorship, recognizing them as polysemic. It aims to understand the transformations - influenced by technological development in the field of communication and information in different historical, social and cultural contexts, in the conceptions of author and authorship – and how they reverberate in the educational field. This reflection encourages us to look at the historical path to understand the phenomenon of authorship in the context of digital culture and its implications in training educational subjects (teachers and students). This is a qualitative study, constructed on a bibliographical survey to discuss its topic. In this way, it discusses the concept of authorship in the light of studies in the field of language, highlighting the role of technologies in authorial manifestations, from written culture to digital culture, characterized by collaboration, sharing, connectivity and dissemination of knowledge. The considerations of this study point to the importance of the conception of authorship in the formation of subjects and in the transformation of pedagogical practices that encourage the constitution of authorship and discuss its ethical, aesthetic and identity character.
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