Social representations and intercultural communicative competence as subsidies for research in education
social representations, communicative competence, intercultural communicative competenceAbstract
This article aims to present reflections on aspects of the theory of
social representations, elements of communicative competence and intercultural
communicative competence for this, a qualitative study was carried
out using a bibliographical approach, which aims to support research in the
area of education. Works Moscovici (2015), Almeida Filho (1993) and Byram
(2020), was carried out, also admitting studies that address these theories.
This study allowed us to understand that social representations allow the
individual to interpret the world, facilitating communication and guiding
behaviors and practices. Thus, by admitting that the practice in the school
environment is not alien to the knowledge coming from the communication
and cultural interpretation between individuals, it is conceived that
the identification of social representations that cross the educational reality
can help the analysis of this reality. In this line of understanding, by basing
the work in the field of education on the theory of social representations,
elements of the educational reality can be analyzed through the lens that
these representations provide, in order to contribute to the researcher in the
field of education. sense of expanding the possibilities of understanding the
complexities of the school beyond what is posted.
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