Memória e resistência não cabem só na lombada:
a propósito da importância dos estudos literários na formação bibliotecária
Leitura literária, Livro-álbum, Estudos literários, polissistema literárioAbstract
The specificity of literary reading, which corresponds to the skills developed in the scientific field of literary studies, provides the use of methodologies and conceptual tools that deepen the reading of a text - and a book - as a cultural object carrying memory and representation of resistance to various aggressions and losses. Our work on the Portuguese picture book Com 3 Novelos (o mundo dá muitas voltas), text by Henriqueta Cristina and illustrations by Yara Kono (Planeta Tangerina, 2015), is the pretext: an example that will serve as a demonstrative exercise for the awareness of the professional who, in his or her training, either initial or throughout life, comes to consider the study of the literary system as central in the great constellation of social and human sciences. These "links and interconnections" of information and documentation sciences with literary studies also benefit literary studies themselves, which can reorient their critical epistemological reflection and add a new layer to the traditional discipline of literary theory.
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