criminal justice and constitutionalguarantees of consensus of the penal system in brazil and the u.s.


  • Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Universidade Federal da Bahia


Juizado Especial Criminal, Verdade consensual, Devido processo penal, Plea Bargaing, Consensual truth , Due process of law


This article is a comparative study between the criminal systems of Brazil and the US. Initially, examines the US system, which is founded on popular
participation in the administration of justice and the consensual truth. The authors analyze the principles of due process and substantive due process of law from judicial interpretations of the US Supreme Court. This system has allowed the US 95% of criminal trails are resolved through negotiation between prosecution and defense, which makes the system faster, efficient and democratic, for allowing the accused to participate in the decision on the criminal sanction that will be reckoned. Finally, the author criticizes the Brazilian legislation, which from the 9099/95 Act introduced the consensual truth in the Brazilian criminal system to crimes punishable by up to two years in prison.


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Author Biographies

, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Professor Titular da Faculdade de Direito da UFBA. Doutor em Direito na Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Professor visitante na École des Hautes Études en Science Sociales (EHESS/Paris/FR) como bolsista da CAPES. Estudos de pós-doutorado na Pace University Law School, Nova York, onde é coordenador regional do Instituto Brasileiro Americano de Direito e Meio Ambiente (BAILE). 

, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Postdoctor Pace University Law School/EU. Profesor at Universidade Federal da Bahia in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil)



How to Cite

Gordilho, H. J. de S. ., & Williams, K. . (2024). criminal justice and constitutionalguarantees of consensus of the penal system in brazil and the u.s. Revista Da Faculdade De Direito Da Universidade Federal Da Bahia, (especial), 7–26. Retrieved from