



Mulheres, Patriarcado, Violências, Simbólica


The article, in the epigraph, assumes a thematic revisional character and aims, in its analysis, to present two main forms of violence against women: the domestic and the symbolic, allowing reflections on aspects of patriarchy and sexism and how they unfold in the intersection of permanent maintenance of gender violence and in its different manifestations.

For this analytical approach, we used data from the Yearbook of Public Security (2021) and other institutes, establishing a dialogue with the authors(s), as well as reflections through everyday speeches and a musical composition that served as a reflective motto, trying to exemplify the re-signification of violence from the symbolic constructions that operate in the social context and perpetuate models and behaviors for women.

We understand that our analytical/reflective proposal is justified in view of the recognition of analytical feminist practices based on an epistemology of daily life (part of examples taken from everyday life), considering that it aims to prepare women for mapping violence, especially the symbolism, which contributes decisively for the maintenance of an exclusionary, misogynistic and oppressive society, mainly due to secular/patriarchal cultural facilities that undermine and reduce women's rights. In the present study, an introductory dialogue was established based on the discussions made during the mini-course, through news of violence conveyed in the media and which reflect Brazilian statistics, with regard to the most varied forms of violence against women. From there, we build relevant reflections that assure us about the patriarchal devices that maintain this structure of violence against us.


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Author Biography

Carla de Quadros , UNEB

Possui graduação em Letras vernáculas pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (2000), graduação em Direito - Valença pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (2016). É psicanalista. Possui especialização em Estudos Comparados em Literatura de Língua Portuguesa pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (2002), Especialização em Antropologia (2018), Mestrado em Literatura e Diversidade Cultural pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (2008) e Doutorado em Letra, Linguística e Literatura pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (2010). Atualmente é professora titular B na Universidade do Estado da Bahia e na Secretaria de Educação do Estado da Bahia.


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How to Cite

QUADROS , C. de. “ZONA DE PERIGO” : AS VIOLÊNCIAS CONTRA MULHER AINDA RESTA ALGO A FALAR?. Revista Direito e Sexualidade, Salvador, v. 4, n. 2, p. 62–78, 2023. DOI: 10.9771/rds.v4i2.54309. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufba.br/index.php/revdirsex/article/view/54309. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.