Inequality; Human rights; LGBTphobia; Inter-American System of Human Rights.Abstract
Sexual, moral, physical violence and exclusion against the LGBTQIA+ population are latent. Societies that organize themselves by the rigid dual classification of gender, that is, male and female, tend to marginalize all those who subvert this order. LGBTphobia is present all over the world, becoming a cruel reality for thousands of individuals. In Brazil it is not different, many surveys, statistics and surveys by non-governmental organizations demonstrate the high rate of LGBTphobia in the country. Despite being an existing practice in several societies, LGBTphobia violates the Human Rights enshrined in 1948. The Inter-American System of Human Rights has been working to defend and fight against the serious violations suffered by LGBTQIA+ people in the American States. The Commission has been reiterating that member states must not only guarantee equality before the law under their jurisdiction but also adopt effective legislative measures to ensure that the rights enshrined in international treaties are exercised. In this way, the work seeks to present the evolution of the Organization of American States (OAS) action on the subject of the human rights of the LGBTQIA+ population and the performance of specialized bodies to ensure the implementation and development of agreements and recommendations in the Organization's member states.
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