Computerized Systems for Monitoring and Analyzing the Quality of Gypsum: prospecting and development of new technologies to strengthen the Araripe Industrial Complex




Gypsum. Quality monitoring and analysis. Information System


Most of the gypsum produced in Brazil comes from the Araripe Industrial Complex, which is made up of hundreds of industries in the State of Pernambuco. One of Complex's challenges is the fragility of the quality control of its products, which is sometimes carried out manually. The objective of this work is to identify, through a technological prospection, the availability of computerized systems for monitoring and analyzing the quality of gypsum production. The searches considered patents (Orbit®), scientific articles, software registration (SRs) and the portfolio of companies. No SRs were found and the analyzed patents are aimed at the Chinese production model. Two possible products were found on the market, one national and the other international, both of which still need to have their viability confirmed. Finally, it is proposed, in the form of a technological roadmap, the development of a customized system according to the needs of the Araripe Industrial Complex.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Lucas Nunes de Alencar Alves, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, PE, Brazil

Master's Student in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT

Vivianni Marques Leite dos Santos, Federal University of Vale do São Francisco, Petrolina, PE, Brazil

Chemical Engineer

MSc Chemical Engineering

DSc Chemistry

Coordinator and Professor of the PROFNIT/UNIVASF - Professional Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation. Member Professor - Doctorate in agroecology and territorial development
Professor of the Collegiate of Production Engineering Coordinator of the Laboratory of Chemical Processes


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How to Cite

Alves, D. L. . N. de A. ., & Santos, V. M. L. dos. (2022). Computerized Systems for Monitoring and Analyzing the Quality of Gypsum: prospecting and development of new technologies to strengthen the Araripe Industrial Complex. Cadernos De Prospecção, 15(3), 823–838.



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