Natural Coagulants Used in Effluent Treatment in Textile Industries


  • Jéssica Gabryelle dos Santos Silva Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • Renato Souza Mendes Junior Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil
  • Ana Katerine de Carvalho Lima Lobato Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil



Waste, Toxic , Organic.


In the treatment of effluents in the textile industries, inorganic and synthetic coagulants are the most used, however, their use has been questioned due to costs, in addition to dumping residual metals into the effluent, harming human and animal health. In solution, an alternative is the use of natural coagulants in the process. This study carried out a technological prospecting of natural coagulants in the treatment of textile effluents, mapping the results related to their use. An advanced search was performed using the keywords treatment, effluent, coagulant, natural and textile. The research resulted only in a patent published in 2017 and ten articles published in the period from 2014 to 2019. Based on the evaluation of the published material, it can be concluded that, Moringa oleifera seeds are the most used for the treatment, acting alone as coagulation agents, with high efficiency, mainly in the removal of color and turbidity.


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Author Biographies

Jéssica Gabryelle dos Santos Silva, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Bachelor in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Salvador. Acting in research projects in the area of ​​biochemistry, kinetics and operation and separation of chemical processes.

Renato Souza Mendes Junior, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

Bachelor in Chemical Engineering from Universidade Salvador. Acting in research projects in the area of ​​biochemistry, kinetics and operation and separation of chemical processes.

Ana Katerine de Carvalho Lima Lobato, Salvador University, Salvador, BA, Brazil

PhD in Chemical Engineering, professor at the School of Architecture, Engineering and Information Technology, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS and Federal University of Bahia


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How to Cite

Silva, J. G. dos S., Mendes Junior, R. S., & Lobato, A. K. de C. L. (2020). Natural Coagulants Used in Effluent Treatment in Textile Industries. Cadernos De Prospecção, 13(5), 1450.



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