Technology Transfer and Technology Strategy Complete




Technology Transfer, Technological Strategy, Innovation.


Some steps and procedures that may contribute to the transmission of the developed knowledge to transfer technology it is necessary to follow. In this sense, the objective of this article is to seek a better understanding of the concepts of Technology Transfer and the importance of a Technology Strategy through mechanisms to support innovation, seeking to raise in the literature its positive points, benefits and difficulties. It is important to highlight that technology transfer, combined with a technological strategy, innovation and public policies are key elements in the competitiveness of organizations, It is also mechanisms to create synergies between innovation actors: university, government, productive sector and society. Through bibliographic and documentary research, we present a proposal of the concepts and it was listed several support mechanisms. Finally, through all the study we concluded that there is a need to formulate technological strategies that boost the interaction between university and company, to promote socioeconomic development, for the benefit of society.


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How to Cite

Ulrich, J., Figueiredo, J., & Maciel, C. (2019). Technology Transfer and Technology Strategy Complete. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1066.