Technological Transfer in Dairy Cattle: a study under the approach of the producers of the Regions of the Mucuri Valley (MG) and the Extreme South of Bahia




Technology, Transfer, Dairy Cattle.


Although technology plays a prominent role in the competitiveness of Brazilian agriculture, there are segments and regions located on the fringes of development due to low productivity and poverty due to the low technological support existing in rural production units. This survey research applied to 20 producers aimed to diagnose the perception of these agents regarding the main conditions associated with the phenomenon of technology transfer to milk production units in the towns of Vale do Mucuri (MG) and the far south of Bahia. It is evidenced that although producers have a favorable disposition to adopt technologies and consider it a relevant production factor for dairy farming, other conditions are not favorable to the achievement of technology transfer and denote weaknesses existing in this process. It was also found that there are no significant differences in the perception of producers regarding the conditions depending on the location and size of their respective production units.


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Author Biographies

Laíse Nunes Maciel, State University of Santa Cruz, BA, Brazil

Bachelor in Production Engineering from the State University of Santa Cruz

Lucas Xavier Trindade, University of São Paulo, Postgraduate Program in Business Administration, SP, Brazil

Doctoral candidate in Business Administration at the Federal University of Bahia (EA-UFBA). Master in Regional Economics and Public Policy and Administrator both from the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) with a grant from FABESB. Master in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development by the Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (IPE). Current President of the Universidade Livre do Mar e Mata. Councilor for the Environment of Ilhéus, Coordinator of the Technical Chamber of Environmental Licensing of Ilhéus and Councilor of the Natural Municipal Park of Boa Esperança de Ilhéus. It is part of the Political Action Network for Sustainability (RAPS). He was a professor (REDA) of the professional education network in the State of Bahia, teaching subjects in the area of ​​administration and sustainability. Undertook a teaching internship in the course Completion Work II (TCC II) subject in the bachelor's degree in Production Engineering at UESC. Professor of vocational and technical education at SENAI. He was vice-president of the Academic Center of Administration at UESC in the 2012-2013 administration. He was a FAPESB fellow in two scientific initiation projects between 2012 and 2014. He participated in the Research Project funded by FAPESB entitled - Identification of Clusters in Northeastern States. He was an analyst at the Office of Projects and Economic Consulting (EPEC/UESC) where he coordinated the Santander Universidade Solidária Project. Participated as a consultant in the Extension Project Cia Júnior Consultoria, Junior Company of the Business Administration, Accounting and Economics Courses at UESC. It has a stake in the Rondon Project, Canudos operation in January 2013.

Farlei Cosme Gomes dos Santos, Nelson Schaun State Professional Education Center for Chocolate, Ilhéus, BA, Brazil

Master in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT; MBA in Administration and Logistics - UNINTER; Graduated in Business Administration from the State University of Santa Cruz - UESC; Member of the Research Groups Innovations in Social Constructions of Markets in Agrifood Systems, and TECLIM_UFSB Clean Production, Management and Sustainable Consumption.

João Pedro de Castro Nunes Pereira, State University of Santa Cruz, BA, Brazil

Agronomist graduated from the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1990), Master in Soil Science from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (1993) and Doctor in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo (2007). He is currently a professor of the Production Engineering Course at the State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) in Ilhéus/BA and an Advisory Professor in the Masters in Regional Economics and Public Policies and in the Masters in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation - PROFNIT both at UESC . It develops works in the areas of Agribusiness, Geographical Identification, Quality, Public Policies, Innovation and Local Productive Arrangements.


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How to Cite

Maciel, L. N., Trindade, L. X., Santos, F. C. G. dos, & Pereira, J. P. de C. N. (2019). Technological Transfer in Dairy Cattle: a study under the approach of the producers of the Regions of the Mucuri Valley (MG) and the Extreme South of Bahia. Cadernos De Prospecção, 12(5), 1222.