The Alagoas Innovation Law and its Necessary Reformulation in the Advent of the New National Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation


  • Silvio Sobral Garcez Junior Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.
  • Rodrigo Nogueira Albert Loureiro Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.
  • Bruno Ramos Eloy Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.
  • João Antonio Belmino dos Santos Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.
  • Gabriel Francisco da Silva Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.



Development, Innovation, Law.


The favorable regulatory framework is an important factor in promoting innovation in a country. In 2004, with the advent of Law nº. 10,973/04, known as the Innovation Law, Brazil established its first major legal framework in this area, which contributed to the improvement of indicators in the sector, promoted greater interaction between Scientific and Technological Institutions (ICT) and the productive segment and served as a parameter for the creation of state innovation laws, such as Law 7,177 / 2009, of the State of Alagoas. However, it was realized that even with these advances, there were points of hindrance and lack of synchronism with other laws. Thus, Law No. 13,243 / 16, entitled New Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (NMCT & I) was enacted in 2016, aiming to meet the needs of the previous law, reformulating legislation and making innovative processes more flexible. In this context, this work draws a parallel between the NMCT & I and the Innovation Law of the State of Alagoas, presenting the main items that need adaptation.


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Author Biography

Silvio Sobral Garcez Junior, Federal University of Sergipe, SE, Aracaju, Brazil.

Graduated in Law (UNIT). Post Graduate in Tax Law (FIJ). Master in Intellectual Property Science (UFS). Doctoral candidate in Intellectual Property Science (UFS). UFS server.


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How to Cite

Garcez Junior, S. S., Loureiro, R. N. A., Eloy, B. R., Santos, J. A. B. dos, & Silva, G. F. da. (2018). The Alagoas Innovation Law and its Necessary Reformulation in the Advent of the New National Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(3), 799.



Propriedade Intelectual, Inovação e Desenvolvimento