Filamental Fungi as Corrosion Inhibitor: prospective study




Corrosion Inhibitor , Fungi, Carbon Steel.


Corrosion of metals is a very common problem in the construction industry, generating damages in several structures and generating loss in the public and private sectors. Several methods and products responsible for inhibiting corrosion and protecting the metal have been developed to minimize this problem. In general, it is common to add heavy metals to steel to inhibiting corrosion, however conventional inhibitors are eventually expensive and harmful to the environment. Against this background, the creation of natural corrosion inhibitors such as fungal extracts, for example, may be a good way to solve this problem. In this work, several data were collected regarding the current literature and patent literature on the subject. The results were then analyzed and compared with a several parameters as countries that produce the most, the relationship between bibliographic and patent production, among others. It was observed in this research that both scientific production has been higher than technological production in the last ten years, however there has been a growing increase in the number of publications during this period. In this study, was observed that China is the largest publisher in this area, followed by the USA in both scientific and technological areas. These data show the importance of the topic and the innovative profile of this area of ​​research.


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How to Cite

Silva, J. B. B. da, Tonholo, J., Machado, S. S., & Zanta, C. L. de P. e S. (2018). Filamental Fungi as Corrosion Inhibitor: prospective study. Cadernos De Prospecção, 11(2), 640.



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