Contação de história e seus enlaces: literatura, prática leitora e criatividade




Education, Teaching Means, Teaching Material, Bibliographic collection, Reading book


Literature and its practice are presented as a means to develop numerous skills, among them self-knowledge, autonomy and creativity. In view of this, it is possible to perceive how essential it is in the literacy classroom, being worked in a pleasant and thought-provoking way, through storytelling. This article is based on a study carried out with children in the literacy phase, showing how storytelling worked as a delight can encourage them to seek to develop their reading practice and their love for books. It is a work with a qualitative approach, using participant observation and the application of a questionnaire for its development as a methodological procedure. In order to encourage and understand the practice of reading as a reader for pleasure, to provide the autonomy of these children; the expansion of children's creativity and imagination through the telling and retelling of stories, forming readers who can interpret and understand what they read; arouse curiosity and the possibility of differentiating the fantasy world from the world in which they live, thus instigating the reading practice. The results were obtained from the data found during the storytelling developed and the applied research questionnaire. The conclusion shows the great relevance of the reading practice that only comes into being when there is a link between family and school, and especially when the child is placed as the main actor in this perspective, and also focuses on how the imagination and creative potential tends to expand. when combined with literature.


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Author Biographies


Mestranda em Ensino na área de Ensino de Línguas pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Ensino, Universidade do Rio Grande do Norte (PPGE/UERN). Pau dos Ferros/RN, Brasil. Email: Telefone: (88) 998514935.

Keutre Gláudia da Conceição Soares Bezerra, UERN

Professora Doutora e mestre em Letras pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN. Especialista em Educação e em literatura e estudos culturais pela mesma universidade. Professora do Departamento de Educação da Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte – UERN. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa GEPPE – Grupo de estudos e pesquisas em Planejamento do Processo Ensino-aprendizagem. Pau dos Ferros/RN, Brasil. Email:  Telefone: (84) 981244398


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How to Cite

REGIS PAIVA, A. S. S., & da Conceição Soares Bezerra, K. G. . (2023). Contação de história e seus enlaces: literatura, prática leitora e criatividade. Revista Entreideias: Educação, Cultura E Sociedade, 12(01).


