


CAQDAS; Digital Humanities, Artificial Intelligence; Natural Language Processing; Large Language Models; ChatGPT; Automation


This reflection explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced visualisation techniques within computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) tools. This integration has significantly improved qualitative data analysis by enhancing the coding and analysis processes. AI's capacity to handle large textual datasets has led to innovative methods of visualising qualitative data. Researchers can now more effectively interpret and communicate nuanced findings by transforming data into visual representations, using techniques like diagrams, thematic maps, and 2D/3D maps. Incorporating AI, Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies in CAQDAS tools has automated the identification of themes and relationships within data, thereby accelerating the research process. Though this fusion has immense benefits, it necessitates addressing ethical and methodological challenges such as algorithmic bias and the importance of human interpretation for accurate results.


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