Determinants in the production of error in nursing work


  • Dhuliane Macêdo Damascena UFBA
  • Cristina Maria Meira de Melo Federal University of Bahia
  • Handerson Silva Santos Federal University of Bahia
  • Tatiane Araújo dos Santos Federal University of Bahia
  • Daniely Oliveira Nunes Gama Federal University of Bahia



Work, Nursing, Work Conditions, Patient Safety, Medical Error


Objective: to analyze conditions that determine the production of errors in nursing work. Method: documentary, analytical, qualitative research. Data collected in 19 ethical-disciplinary processes, in the period from 2000 to 2018, whose object of complaint is the error made by nursing workers. The Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Bardin and the Theory of Social Production interpreted by Carlos Matus were used. Results: nursing techniques and auxiliaries are the most reported workers, medication error is the most frequent, job precariousity is a determining condition in the occurrence of errors in the analyzed processes. Final considerations: structural conditions of error production in nursing work predominate, allowing to refute the hegemonic notion in nursing work of error as a moral phenomenon.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Maria Meira de Melo, Federal University of Bahia

Doctor in Public Health. federal university of Bahia

Handerson Silva Santos, Federal University of Bahia

Doctor in Nursing and Health. Federal University of Bahia

Tatiane Araújo dos Santos, Federal University of Bahia

Doctor in Nursing and Health. Federal University of Bahia

Daniely Oliveira Nunes Gama, Federal University of Bahia

Master in Human Ecology and Social and Environmental Management. federal university of Bahia



How to Cite

Damascena, D. M., Meira de Melo, C. M. ., Silva Santos, H. ., Araújo dos Santos, T., & Oliveira Nunes Gama, D. (2022). Determinants in the production of error in nursing work. Revista Baiana De Enfermagem, 36.



Original Article