Avaliação da eficiência da remoção de fósforo por precipitação química como alternativa de remediação ambiental da Lagoa dos Dinossauros, Salvador-BA





fósforo, eutrofização, Qualidade da água, Precipitação química


Growing urbanization and industrialization have worsened water pollution, as observed in Lagoa dos Dinossauros in Salvador, Bahia, which suffers from eutrophication due to excessive phosphorus levels. This study evaluated the effectiveness of aluminum sulfate (Al₂(SO₄)₃) in removing phosphorus to improve water quality. Field campaigns were conducted during the dry season (March 2024) and the rainy season (June 2024), using the coagulation-flocculation and sedimentation method. A dose of 3.75 mgAl.L⁻¹ proved most effective, achieving high phosphorus removal rates while maintaining a near-neutral pH. During the rainy season, higher doses faced sedimentation challenges due to pH reduction. The study concluded that the 3.75 mgAl.L⁻¹ dose offers an optimal balance of cost and efficiency, making it a viable option for mitigating eutrophication in the lagoon. The chemical precipitation technique is promising but requires monitoring of aluminum's effects on aquatic fauna, alongside adjustments to pH and alkalinity, to ensure the success of the remediation process.


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Author Biography

Ana Carina Matos, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Assistant Professor I at Centro Universitário Estácio da Bahia, Graduated in Biological Sciences (2012), Master in Geochemistry with emphasis on Petroleum and Environment (2014) and PhD in Geology with emphasis on Environmental Geology and Hydrogeology (2021) both from Universidade Federal da Bahia, is part of the Interfaces Geochemical Research Group linked to the Geochemistry Department of the Federal University of Bahia.


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How to Cite

Matos, A. C., Aragão, H. G. ., Portugal Gonçalves, M. V. ., & de Souza Azevedo, I. H. (2024). Avaliação da eficiência da remoção de fósforo por precipitação química como alternativa de remediação ambiental da Lagoa dos Dinossauros, Salvador-BA. Cadernos De Geociências, 19. https://doi.org/10.9771/geocad.v19i0.64756