
  • Geovana Freitas Paim Rêgo1 UEFS
  • Antonio Angelo Martins da Fonseca UFBA




energia eólica, watershed, wind power


Wind farms advance continuously over the Bahian mountains. This objective work presents the dynamics of wind power in the landscape occupation process and looks for gaps, observing the production of (un)just landscapes. The applied method was documentary research, spatialization of data and field work. As a result, it was observed that the parks are distributed in the north, center and southwest of the State, and that over time the State and Companies used dubious strategies for occupation. The concentration in the basins of the State shows that 2,663 wind turbines are located in the São Francisco River Basin, 142 are located in the Paraguaçú River Basin, 137 in the Itapicurú Basin and 130 in the Rio de Contas Basin. It is concluded that the struggles for a landscape must be well directed and have the State as an ally in proposing actions that protect their understanding of the imperative spatial logic.


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Author Biographies

Geovana Freitas Paim Rêgo1, UEFS

Geographer, Master in Environmental Sciences. PhD student in Geography. Assistant Professor at the State University of Feira de Santana. Department of Human Sciences and Philosophy – DCHF – Area of Geography

Antonio Angelo Martins da Fonseca, UFBA

Geographer, PhD in Geography. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Bahia. Institute of Geosciences. Graduate Program in Geography/POSGEO


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How to Cite

Rêgo, G., & Angelo, A. (2023). DYNAMICS OF WIND ENERGY IN RIVER BASINS – A REFLECTION UNDER THE PERSPECTIVE OF LANDSCAPE JUSTICE: WIND ENERGY IN RIVER BASINS . Cadernos De Geociências, 18(especial). https://doi.org/10.9771/geocad.v18i0.55977