River Styles, Interland of Paraiba, Hydrograpfic BasinAbstract
The Piancó River watershed, located in a semi-arid region in the State of Paraíba, presents specific socio-environmental issues that require specific projects in terms of planning and environmental management. The research uses the methodological proposal of Fryirs and Brierley (2000), whose main focus is to perform the characterization of Fluvial Styles in the main channel of the Piancó river basin. The studied area is delimited from the headwaters of the Piancó River to the dam of the Coremas Mãe-D'água dam, which runs to the middle course of the river, in the municipality of Coremas-PB. In this way, 4 sections were selected whose style identification is established in: section 1 Confined Bed Rocky Style (ECLR); excerpt 2 Partially Confined Sand Bed Style (EPCLA); stretch 3 Unconfined Sandy Bed Style with Discontinuous Floodplain (ENCLAPID); and stretch 4 Unconfined Sandy Bed Style with floodplain in the Overflow Areas (ENCLAE).
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