The Distribution of Public Revenues in the municipalities of the State of Bahia: A Critical Analysis of its Equity


  • Neila Karolina Mendes Lira Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS
  • Augusto de Oliveira Monteiro Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS
  • Élvia Mirian Cavalcanti Fadul Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS


This paper aims to assess the degree of equilibrium in the distribution of revenuesamong municipalities of the State of Bahia and the effectiveness of its use inthe period of 1998 the 2006. In order to do so, it analyzed the distribution andcomposition of municipal revenues and identified its evolution. The demand ofservices was evaluated on the basis of the population. Then, the degree of equilibriumwas analyzed through the calculation of revenues per-capita of each municipality.Finally, effectiveness of public services was assessed by means of the Social DevelopmentIndex (SDI) and an analysis of correlation between the revenues per-capita andSDI. Results showed high disparity among municipal revenues, deriving from hugeintergovernmental transferences asymmetry, implying in a very low level of balancein the distribution of the public resources.


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Author Biographies

Neila Karolina Mendes Lira, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS

Graduate at Economia from Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (1999).

Augusto de Oliveira Monteiro, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS

Bachelor's at Direito from Universidade Católica do Salvador (1991), bachelor's at Ciência da Computação from Universidade Federal da Bahia (1986), master's at Economy from Universidade Federal da Bahia (1992) and doctorate at Administration from Universidade Federal da Bahia (1997). Has experience in Administration, acting on the following subjects: estratégia, competitividade, administração pública, finanças públicas and admnistração de empresas.

Élvia Mirian Cavalcanti Fadul, Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS

Bachelor's at Administração Pública from Universidade Federal da Bahia (1969), master's at Politique urbaines, aménagement et gestion de l'es from Université Paris XII - Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris (1990), master's at Administration from Universidade Federal da Bahia (1987) and doctorate at Urbanisme from Université Paris XII - Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris (1994). Has experience in Administration, acting on the following subjects: administração pública, regulação, reforma do estado, privatização and agências reguladoras.



How to Cite

Lira NKM, Monteiro A de O, Fadul Élvia MC. The Distribution of Public Revenues in the municipalities of the State of Bahia: A Critical Analysis of its Equity. Organ. Soc. [Internet]. 2013Oct.22 [cited 2024Sep.27];20(66). Available from:


