Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT and Organizational Studies


  • Josiane Silva de Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM
  • Ianaira Barretto Souza Neves Fundação Getúlio Vargas , São Paulo


artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, Organizational Theories


The advancement of the use of Artificial intelligence in the scientific field, such as Connectedpapers and ChatGPT, has allowed us to reflect on how technological tools have become mediators and participants in the context of education and academia. In the field of organizational theories, despite the different perspectives on understanding the incorporation of AIs in academic practice, we highlight two challenges in our daily academic life. The first challenge refers to confronting the digital colonialism that AIs impose on us, considering that they constitute themselves through the reproduction of language models programmed in countries of the "global north” The second challenge concerns its unfoldings in the process of automation of academic writing in administration. We consider the need to reflect on how the uses of AIs can contemporarily reproduce our place in the field of science as one of scientific data extractivism, the limitation of the teaching of academic writing in administration as the reproduction of an "assisted programming" of hegemonic language models, and the possibilities of disentangling as a way of counteracting this dynamic of automation of article writing in administration.


Author Biographies

Josiane Silva de Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, UEM

PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Professor of the Department and Graduate Program in Administration at the State University of Maringá and the Graduate Program in Administration at the Federal University of Goiás. Researcher at the Center for Interdisciplinary Afro-Brazilian Studies at UEM (NEIAB/UEM). Associate editor of the journal Organizations & Society, axis "Organizations, theory and method". She researches and publishes in the area of theories of organizations, black feminism, inequalities and ethnography

Ianaira Barretto Souza Neves, Fundação Getúlio Vargas , São Paulo

Master’s in business administration from FGV/EAESP - Business Administration School of São Paulo. Post-graduate student in Doctorate in Administration at FGV/EAESP. Assistant professor at INSPER and invited professor in the post graduation courses at FGV IDE and USP ESALQ. Member of the Study Group "DEEP LAB: Digital Economy and Extreme Politics" at University College Dublin, Ireland. She researches and publishes on organizations and technology; digital platforms and work; algorithmic management; education and technology



How to Cite

Oliveira JS de, Barretto Souza Neves I. Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT and Organizational Studies. Organ. Soc. [Internet]. 2023Aug.21 [cited 2025Mar.13];30(106). Available from:


