Into the Field: a Reflexive Narration of Critical Policy Studies



policy field critical policy studies, postpositivism, argumentation, interpretation


This article aims at presenting a narrative of Critical Policy Studies as a school of thought that is built, reflexively, within the Policy Studies field, consolidating and pluralizing it. This approach, although little known in Brazil, represents, increasingly, an alternative and a consistent path of studies, that distinguishes itself by assuming the centrality of language as an unit of analysis in policy processes; choosing interpretation as a method; taking the arguments as the main research material and post-positivism as its purpose. Methodologically, this article has been built through a narrative review of the literature and it adopted, as a starting point, the discussion forum on “what is critical?”, published in the Critical Policy Studies Review (2016 edition), and the Handbook of Critical Policy Studies itself (Fischer, Torgerson, Durnová & Orsini, 2016). In five sections, we narrate the development of Critical Policy Studies School passing, mainly, through interpretative and argumentative approaches, seeking to establish fertile dialogues with analysts, bureaucrats, managers and researchers. As well as with all those interested in facing the challenges of producing other narratives and developing new research and teaching processes in this field of studies, with the objective of making the Policy Studies field more diverse and more consistent with the Brazilian reality. We conclude that, paradoxically, the plurality - disciplinary, epistemological, methodological, theoretical and thematic - that characterizes the development of the Policy Studies field, in Brazil, still falls short of meaning more participatory, inclusive and democratic public policies. In this sense, we believe that the effort to contribute to the introduction of this literature in the Brazilian Policy Studies field not only presupposes the adoption of a critical-reflexive research stance, but also represents a first step towards the adoption of increasingly democratizing practices in the Policy field.


Author Biographies

Rosana de Freitas Boullosa, Universidade Federal da Bahia e Universidade de Brasília.

PhD in Public Policy by Università IUAV di Venezia (Venice, Italy), with postdoctoral research in Pragmatic Sociology, at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - EHESS (Paris, France). Associate Professor II at the Department of Public Policy Management (GPP), University of Brasília (UnB) and Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Society, Development and International Cooperation (PPGDSCI / CEAM - UnB). Leader of the research group “Innovation and Learning Processes in Public Policies and Social Management”. National Coordinator of the “Free School on Social Management” (UnB/UFCA/UFSB/UTF). Member of the Post-Pandemic Society Observatory - OSPP (UFBA/UnB/UFV/UFTM). Holds a CNPq DT Productivity Scholarship since 2011. Coordinates the Center for Urban and Regional Studies (NEUR) at the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Brasília (CEAM / UnB). Research interests: public management, social management, critical studies in public policies, pragmatism in public policies, urban policy and territorial development, evaluation and monitoring in public policies.



Janaina Lopes Pereira Peres, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

PhD in Public Policy and Development by University of Brasília - UnB. Co-founder of CommonData - Scientific Collective for Development. Substitute Professor at the Department of Public Policy Management at the University of Brasília. Member of the CNPq research group “Innovation and learning processes in public policies and social management”, the Extension project “Free School on Social Management - ELGS” and the Post-Pandemic Society Observatory - OSPP (UFBA / UnB / UFV / UFTM). She was a CAPES Scholarship holder (master and doctorate) and Enap/Cátedras scholarship holder. Research interests: public management, social management, pragmatism and critical studies in public policies, culture and public art, urban policy/territorial development, social movements/societies in motion, public experiences and sociocentric initiatives.



Luiz Fernando Macedo Bessa, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

PhD in Géographie Humaine et Organization de l'Espace by Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), with a postdoctoral reserch in Urban and Metropolitan Governance, at the Institut de Recherche pour le Developement (IRD / University Paris 7, France). Professor in the Department of Public Policy Management and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Development, Society and International Cooperation (PPGDSCI / CEAM), both at the University of Brasília - UnB. Vice-coordinator of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies at CEAM / UnB. Member of the CNPq research group “Innovation and learning processes in public policies and social management” and the Extension project “Free School on Social Management - ELGS”. Member of the Post-Pandemic Society Observatory - OSPP (UFBA / UnB / UFV / UFTM). Research interests: public management, urban/metropolitan governance, social management, sustainable local development, public policy management instruments, program and project evaluation





How to Cite

Boullosa R de F, Peres JLP, Bessa LFM. Into the Field: a Reflexive Narration of Critical Policy Studies. Organ. Soc. [Internet]. 2021Sep.9 [cited 2025Mar.17];28(97). Available from:


