Indexadores e Diretórios
This journal works with a double-blind peer review system. Articles are sent to reviewers without authorship information. Likewise, the authors do not know who does the assessments.
The publication of articles is conditioned to the opinions of members of the Editorial Board of the journal: Editors (editor-in-chief and assistant editor), Editorial Team (includes the editors of the journal and other technical support); Editorial Board (made up of leading researchers in their fields in Brazil and abroad, with the function of advising the editors and the editorial committee) and Advisory Board (made up of Brazilian and foreign ad hoc reviewers of recognized expertise, responsible for supporting editors decision-making on the articles received, thus contributing to the quality and scientific control of the journal).
The articles received go through a triple evaluation filter: the first filter, carried out by Editores, is strictly formal and evaluates whether the text follows the editorial and presentation standards and whether the authorship meets the specifications regarding the required formalities. The second filter, carried out by the Editor, with the support of the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board, decides whether or not the article fits the scope of the Revista Direito e Sexualidade. If not, prepare a response explaining the reasons for the rejection. If so, indicate the names of ad hoc evaluators with recognized expertise in the subject. Finally, the third filter is made by the Advisory Board which, based on always anonymous assessments (for authors and reviewers), helps editors in making the final decision, communicated through a decision-making response.
The decision-making response sent by the editors may: i) accept the article for publication, with or without alterations; ii) suggest that the text be resubmitted for evaluation, whenever substantive revisions are made; or iii) suggest referral to another journal; iv) deny publication.