Intersectionality and Gender Violence
The Struggle of Black Women against Racism and Patriarchy in Brazil
Domestic violence, Violence against black women, Gender, Race, IntersectionalityAbstract
This article aims to analyze the issue of domestic violence, specifically against black women, treated as a historical problem not only of gender but also of race, a problem that is linked to the formation of the identity of black women since the construction of Brazilian society. In this sense, the reflection brought forth involves the fundamental discussions about race and gender categories, and how racism has interfered and still interferes in gender-based violence, as well as the consequences brought about by the patriarchal culture that has been established in our society. The methodology applied is literature review. In this context, given that black women are embedded in a realm of violence that goes beyond gender issues, it is necessary to have a central perspective that delves into the specificities of domestic violence with the concept of intersectionality.
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