Lawfare and violence against women in the Brazilian courts
: Abusive Litigation; Gender Violence; Justice System; Lawfare; WomenAbstract
The present scientific article aimed to analyze the use of the term Lawfare in lawsuits against women. This term is known as legal warfare, which uses the judiciary to impose, through abusive litigation, illegitimate results, demanding resources and time from women, reinforcing, consequently, structural gender violence. The study also aimed to understand how lawfare is present in the most diverse processes, be they in the criminal, civil or family sphere, through the analysis of cases recognized in the Brazilian media. We conclude, from the research, that the Lawfare phenomenon is intrinsically linked to the patriarchal system that sustains the Law and gender violence. We verify the need for a greater performance of the Justice System, as well as the obligatory nature of the trial under a gender perspective, according to Resolution 492 of the CNJ, with the objective of avoiding the Lawfare that converts women victims of a structural gender violence into defendants of illegitimate litigations. The methodology used relies on bibliographical research on the theme and the analysis of cases of lawfare and lawsuits.
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