Sexual rights and reproductive rights of university women in Mexico: An approach based on written autobiographies
sexual rights and reproductive rights, students, violationsAbstract
Sexual and reproductive rights are a fundamental part of human rights, however, the increase in the rates of infringement and violation has become a social problem, historical, social health and full exercise of women's rights. Therefore, the objective of this research was to know how a group of female university students construct and live their experiences regarding the violation of their sexual and reproductive rights through the experience of autobiographical writing. In this text we recovered only two of the rights described in the Cartilla de derechos sexuales y reproductivos de adolescentes y jóvenes en México (2016), which are pointed out by the participants as being mostly in violation. Through a content analysis of the experiences of young female students, we show how these rights are violated by actors in their social and daily lives, such as their families, partners, schools, health services and friends.
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