Direitos Humanos, Direito de Família, Direito Constitucional, Direito Civil, Direito EducacionalAbstract
Abstract: The general objective of this work is to analyze how Brazilian legislation has provided treatment to different types of family, relating it to the protection of human dignity, a basic principle of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (CRFB/88), proposing the way forward. education as the driver of vernacular literacy and, consequently, of the strengthening of Brazilian democracy. Therefore, the first specific objective is to present the chronicle “Catch the companion paddle”, by Café (2019), with a focus on the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), proposing that the student recognizes himself as a subject of rights and duties, via the realization of vernacular literacy, a driver of citizen awareness. The second, in turn, presents the types of family, considering the social plurality of Brazil, as well as relating them to the way in which law and reality are manifested in Brazilian territory. Finally, the third specific objective analyzes the legislative inertia of the National Congress, highlighting how the concept of family has taken more account of the patrimonial right than that of the human person. In the bibliographical research, with qualitative data collection, it is verified how prejudice against homo-affective people and all those who experience new forms of family, contrary to the “traditional” conception, has been maintained in Brazil, under the envelope of a Democratic State of Right.
Keywords: Human Rights; Family Right. Constitutional Right. Civil Right. Educational Law.
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