Gestão Cultural de Pequenas Cidades
Economia e Cidadania em Disputa no Programa Muritiba Criativa
Muritiba, Governança Cultural, Economia da culturaAbstract
The article presents the theoretical and methodological incursions in the creation of the Muritiba Criativa Program: proposition of political and administrative paths for the solution of unemployment and unemployment through cultural assets in Muritiba in the Recôncavo da Bahia. Basically, the policy deals with the allocative transfer of part of the resources spent on the Stage and Productions of the Festa do Senhor do Bonfim in Muritiba to the revenue of the Municipal Culture Fund. To this end, the work strongly criticizes public administrations of culture, from the limitation of actions to the economic dimension in the implementation of the National System of Culture, to the predominant patrimonialism in small municipalities, both responsible for the suffocation of cultural citizenship.
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