Evaluation of prevalence of non erupted lower third molar and of the position and inclination of its long axis in panoramic radiographs


  • Fernanda Sampaio Nery
  • Luzivalter Dias Santos
  • Viviane Almeida Sarmento
  • Edmar José Borges Santana




Third molars-classification, enclosed teeth, panoramic radiographs.


The enclosed teeth are more comum with teeth that don’t erupt in correct time. The third molars are the most frequent impacted teeth and is probably caused by the lack of space. The classifications for impacted third molars are important for comunication with dentists, to make decicions about the cirurgic treatment, tchiniques of remotios and treatment plan. In this study, 250 panoramic radiographs are assessad. The results founded 70 impacted mandibular third molars. The analise was made in a odontologic clinic in São Raimundo Nonato-PI city, at the period of july at november, 2004. The most of enclosed teeth were on mesial angulation   by  Winter’s classification (fourty cases – 57,14%), and by Pell & Gregory´s classification the most of third mandibular molars were classes B and II ( fourty five cases  - 64,28%; and fifty six cases – 70%, respectively).


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How to Cite

Nery, F. S., Santos, L. D., Sarmento, V. A., & Santana, E. J. B. (2006). Evaluation of prevalence of non erupted lower third molar and of the position and inclination of its long axis in panoramic radiographs. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 5(3), 222–230. https://doi.org/10.9771/cmbio.v5i3.4130

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