The use of N-alkanes to estimate intake and digestibility of coastcross-1 and Arachis pintoi mixed pasture


  • Wagner Paris UTFPR
  • Ulysses Cecato UEM
  • Nelson Fukumoto PUC-PR
  • Julio Cesar Damasceno UEM
  • Leandro Barbeiro UNESP
  • Luis Fernando Glasenapp Menezes


The trial was carried out to evaluate the alkanes (C27 to C35) profile, dry matter intake and digestibility of Coastcross-1 and Arachis pintoi mixed pasture with or without nitrogen fertilization in two periods (December/2003 and April/2004). The treatments evaluated were: CA0 = Coastcross + Arachis pintoi without N; CA100 = Coastcross + Arachis pintoi with 100 kg of N; CA200 = Coastcross + Arachis pintoi with 200 kg of N and C200 = Coastcross with 200 kg of N. The experimental period was composed by 8 days, with 3 days for marker administration (C32 in cellulose pelets) and 5 days for fecal collection, directly from animal rectum. Sixteen animals were used and maintained on grazed area since June 2003. From December to April, for pasture constituents, there was predominance of n-alkanes with odd chain, mainly for those with higher length chain (C29, C31 and C33), excepting leaves blade of Coastcross that presented the C27 alkane in higher concentration than C33. The highest amounts of n-alkanes C31 and C33 occurred during December. Animal’s intake and DMD did not present differences (P>0.05). The values of DMD using n-alkanes were similar to in vitro DMD of leaves blade from Coastcross.


Author Biographies

Wagner Paris, UTFPR

Professor de Ensino de 1 e 2 grau da Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paraná, Campus Dois Vizinhos. Coordenador do Curso de Zootecnia, Atua na área de produção de ruminantes e forragicultura.

Ulysses Cecato, UEM

Professor Titular do Programa de Pós-Graduação de Zootecnia da UEM. Atua nas área de Forragicultura e Pastagens

Nelson Fukumoto, PUC-PR

Professor doutor da PUC-PR Campus Toledo, atua nas áreas de nutrição animal e produção de ruminantes

Julio Cesar Damasceno, UEM

Professor Doutor do programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia da UEM. Atua na área de Nutrição de Ruminantes e pastagem.

Leandro Barbeiro, UNESP

Aluno de Doutorado da UNESP campus de Jaboticabal, atua na área de forragicultura e pastagens.





Forage and Pastures