Choose a job you love

between the idealization and precariousness of work in the performing arts




Capitalism, Theater, Working conditions, Occupational health


This paper analyzes working conditions in the contemporary Brazilian theater system based on a multidisciplinary bibliography and data produced in a qualitative-quantitative research carried out in 2021, with 157 theater professionals from Porto Alegre operating between 2010 and 2020. Despite the romanticized ideal, a process of work precaritization is observed, driven by the neoliberal capitalist march, with degrading consequences for the sustainability of theater systems, the longevity of artistic productions and the mental health of workers. There is also a reproduction of social inequalities in the theater market, which worsens the conditions of professionals belonging to minority groups.


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How to Cite

Rocha, T. (2024). Choose a job you love: between the idealization and precariousness of work in the performing arts. Políticas Culturais Em Revista, 17(2), 74–95.



Dossiê - Cultura é Trabalho