Music and collaborative practices in Conservatória




Communication, City, Music, Cultural Policies


Taking as reference not only the survey of stories published in the traditional media and socioeconomic data of the territory, but also field observations, informal conversations and semi-structured interviews, this article sought to make a brief balance of the socioeconomic and cultural situation after the Conservatory village has implemented some associative actions that have allowed it to remain an important tourist destination in the country. Analyzing the events incorporated with emphasis on the local calendar in recent years it was found that live music - however, now more diversified and also linked to other musical genres - continues to be valued as an important development vector that synergies with the tourism, gastronomy and entertainment sectors in the locality have been produced.


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Author Biography

Cíntia Sanmartin Fernandes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

PhD in Political Sociology from UFSC, professor at the PPGCOM at UERJ, where she is also deputy coordinator of the Communication, Art and City research group.


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How to Cite

Herschmann, M., & Sanmartin Fernandes, C. (2023). Music and collaborative practices in Conservatória. Políticas Culturais Em Revista, 16(2), 254–274.