National Culture Policies: The 1975 document and the Lula/Gil government proposal


  • Paula Félix dos Reis Universidade Federal da Bahia



O histórico das políticas culturais no Brasil apresenta momentos em que o Estado tratou com descaso o setor cultural. Em outros, buscou uma intervenção maior, por vezes acompanhada de elitismos, repressão, censura e autoritarismo. Este artigo analisa e compara as políticas nacionais de cultura propostas pelo governo federal em 1975, durante a Ditadura Militar, e em 2007, na gestão do ministro Gilberto Gil, por compreender que são dois momentos importantes relacionados a esse histórico nacional. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Políticas Culturais; Plano Nacional de Cultura; Ditadura Militar; Governo Lula. National Culture Policies: The 1975 document and the Lula/Gil government proposal The history of cultural policies in Brazil has been developed alternating moments of abandon and others of greater intervention. However, these interventions have sometimes occurred with elitism, repression, censorship and authoritarianism. This article analyzes and compares the policies of national culture proposed by the federal government in 1975, during the military dictatorship, and in 2007, beneath the management of the Minister Gilberto Gil. We believe those two important moments might represent the national historic of culture in Brazil. KEYWORDS: Cultural Policy; National Plan for Culture; Military Dictatorship; Lula government.


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How to Cite

dos Reis, P. F. (2009). National Culture Policies: The 1975 document and the Lula/Gil government proposal. Políticas Culturais Em Revista, 1(2).



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