Declaration of Mama Quta Titikaka

Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and its Peoples!


  • Indigenous people originating from Abya Yala
  • Brotherly peoples from Africa, the United States, Canada, the Polar Circle and other parts of the world
  • Watchers of different social movements



Declaration, Mother Earth, Indigenous Peoples, Abya Yala


This document was crafted at the Paqarina Mayor of Lake Mama Quta Tikaka, Peru, on May 31, 2009, and was published in Spanish in the compilation “Tejiendo de otro modo: feminismo, epistemología y apuestas descoloniales en Abya Yala”, released by Editorial Universidad del Cauca in 2014, edited by Yuderkys Espinosa Miñoso, Diana Gómez Correal, and Karina Ochoa Muñoz (As the original text lacks an abstract, it has been provided by the editors).


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How to Cite

POVOS INDÍGENAS ORIGINÁRIOS DA ABYA YALA; POVOS IRMÃOS DE ÁFRICA, DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, DO CANADÁ, DO CÍRCULO POLAR E DE OUTRAS PARTES DO MUNDO; OBSERVADORES DE DIVERSOS MOVIMENTOS SOCIAIS. Declaration of Mama Quta Titikaka: Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and its Peoples!. Laje, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 162–169, 2024. DOI: 10.9771/lj.v3i0.60549. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.