Referenciality, Structural Cohesion and Temporal Organization in In Nomine a 3 by Brian Ferneyhough




Brian Ferneyhough, In Nomine a 3, Music analysis, Music composition


The analytical study investigates the formal, temporal and rhythmic structuring principles of In Nomine a 3 by Brian Ferneyhough. The analysis starts with the contextualization of the referential elements of the Umbrations cycle, in which this piece is included. The analysis follows with a detailed study of the macro form of the piece, based on its formal segmentation and the main characteristics of the music material related to the thematic. The last part of the analysis is dedicated to the investigation of the temporal and rhythmic aspects in the microform, based on the study of the subsections and the individual measures. The analytical approach employs a set of alternative strategies to identify and discuss the structuring elements of the piece that are inaccessible by the traditional analysis of the score notation, allowing a consistent contextualization to Ferneyhough’s compositional thinking.


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Author Biography

Pedro Henrique de Faria, Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

Bacharel em Música (Trombone, 2010 e Composição, 2013) e Mestre (Composição, 2019) pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Durante a graduação teve intercâmbio financiado pelo Santander no Goldsmiths College at the University of London e período sanduíche financiado pelo CNPq/CsF na McGill University. Atualmente é professor substituto na Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) na área de Teoria Geral da Música.




