Ser ou não ser: Biografia e pesquisa em música - Reflexões acerca de uma relação sobrecarregada


  • Antonio Baldassarre RIdIM ; University of Zurich



A versão original deste texto foi publicada em "(Auto)Biography as a Musicological Discourse" (Musicological studies: Collections of papers, vol. 3). Ed. Tatjana Marković e Vesna Mikić. Belgrado: Departamento de Musicologia. Faculdade de Música, Universidade de Belgrado, 2010, 28-40. Esta versão em português foi ligeiramente ampliada e inclui referências a traduções ao português de livros e artigos originalmente publicados em outras línguas, caso tais traduções estejam disponíveis.


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Author Biography

Antonio Baldassarre, RIdIM ; University of Zurich

Antonio Baldassarre studied German Literature, Musicology and Political Sciences at the University of Zurich (diploma 1993), followed by adjunct teaching positions at the University and the Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule in Zurich as well as the University of Illinois at Chicago. From 1996 to 1997 he was Visiting Scholar at the Research Center for Music Iconography at CUNY. After that he served as Research Assistant at the Department for Musicology at Zurich University where he completed his dissertation in 2003 (thesis on the history of the string quartet 1830-1870, print upcoming). Since 2003 he is adjunct lecturer in Zurich and Basel and managing director of the Kurt Leimer foundation. His research and publications focus on the history of music and music aesthetics of the late 18th through early 20th century, music iconography and sociology.





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