Evaluation of presence of residues of tetracyclines in commercialized honey in the state of Bahia, Brazil


  • Gisele Vivas Tosta Aguiar Monteiro SENAI-CETIND-BA
  • Hilda Costa dos Santos SENAI-CETIND-BA
  • Renata de Souza Guerreiro SENAI-CETIND-BA
  • Fernando Luiz Trindade Rêgo SENAI-CETIND-BA




Tetracycline residues - Honey - Radioimmunoassay, Honey - Tetracycline residues-Radioimmunoassay.


Honey is known worldwide as a natural product and its image is directly linked to health. Meanwhile, the hives of honey bees are subject to diseases such as Creates Putrid American (CPA) and European (CPE) and Varroatosis. The prevention of these diseases is performed by the application of antibiotics in beehive during the spring; they can also be added directly to the plants during the period of bloom. These procedures generate a high risk of waste being taken to the honey and the presence of these contaminants is cause for concern because of the possibility of allergic or toxic reactions in the consumers and the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to these drugs. While the use of antimicrobials is unusual in Brazil , the beekeepers need to prove the safety of its product to customers abroad, especially to EU countries. Aiming to detect the presence of residues of tetracycline in honey sold in the state of Bahia, 13 samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay, using a method developed by Charm Sciences. All samples showed negative results for residues of Tetracycline, Oxytetracycline and Chlortetracycline, with detection limits of 15µg kg-1, 20µg kg-1 and 10µg Kg-1, respectively.


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How to Cite

Monteiro, G. V. T. A., Santos, H. C. dos, Guerreiro, R. de S., & Rêgo, F. L. T. (2010). Evaluation of presence of residues of tetracyclines in commercialized honey in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 9(2), 102–107. https://doi.org/10.9771/cmbio.v9i2.4940