Radicular cyst´s etiopathogenic. Part I


  • Luciano Cincurá Silva Santos
  • Eduardo Antônio Gonçalves Ramos
  • Thiago Martins Meira
  • Claudia Roberta Leite Vieira de Figueiredo
  • Jean Nunes dos Santos




Radicular cyst – Etiopathogenic. Periapical lesions.


Periapical lesions such as dental granulomas (DGs) and radicular cysts (RCs) are common entities in dental practice. Their main etiology is dental caries. Bacterial endotoxins, as well as cytokines originating from the immunoinflammatory process, seem to influence the development of these lesions. After pulp necrosis, the dissemination and installation of bacteria in the periapex stimulate and activate innate and acquired defense mechanisms, with vascular and cellular events leading to the development of DGs and RCs. The present paper, in the first article, presents etiopathogeny of the Radicular Cyst. In the other paper, second part, it will be complemented with incidental information about this lesions and your
morphologics appearance.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. C. S., Ramos, E. A. G., Meira, T. M., Figueiredo, C. R. L. V. de, & Santos, J. N. dos. (2006). Radicular cyst´s etiopathogenic. Part I. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 5(1), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.9771/cmbio.v5i1.4627

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