Surgically attended rapid maxillary expansion (SARME): a review of literature


  • Guilherme Romano Scartezini
  • João Frank Carvalho Dantas
  • Nicolau Conte Neto
  • Lucas Martins Castro e Silva
  • Eduardo Castro Silva Junior



Maxillary expansion, Transverse discrepancies - Skeletal maturation, SARME – Transverse deformity.


The surgically attended rapid maxillary expansion is a surgical technique that has been used to treat true transverse maxillary deformity in those patients with skeletal maturity. The treatment is a combination of orthodontics and surgical procedures. It provides a increase of maxillary arch occurring a better space for the tongue and corrects the black corridors. This procedure can be done with local anesthesia and is considered with little risk of serious complications, being a great alternative treatment. The aim of this article consists of a literature review about the several aspects of this therapeutic modality.


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How to Cite

Scartezini, G. R., Dantas, J. F. C., Neto, N. C., Silva, L. M. C. e, & Silva Junior, E. C. (2008). Surgically attended rapid maxillary expansion (SARME): a review of literature. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 7(2), 182–187.

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