Biological effect of the platelet rich plasma


  • Miguel Gustavo Setúbal Andrade
  • Danilo Borges Dantas
  • Moysés Sadigursky



Platelet Rich Plasma-Growth factor, Osteogenesis.


Several researches have investigated variables that can influence healing rate, specially some biomaterials and its properties on tissue repair. Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a recently adjuvant introduced at this context. This biomaterial, in accordance with its characteristics, is also known by other designations in literature. Platelet gel, autogenous source of factor of growth, natural cocktail of factors of growth, tissue rich in platelets and platelet concentrate are synonymies of PRP. Independent of the denomination, since its launching the hope that it can intensify bone neoformation has grown. Its widely use in several surgery segments was revised, with a great focus on researches about bone reconstruction, bone grafts, bioengineering and osteointegration. It was revised and discussed the findings of clinical trials, culture of cells and animal researches that evaluated the effectiveness of PRP as potencializer of tissue healing and the possibilities of its isolated use or in association with other biomaterias. The authors experience with this biomaterial was also presented and discussed.


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How to Cite

Andrade, M. G. S., Dantas, D. B., & Sadigursky, M. (2007). Biological effect of the platelet rich plasma. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 6(2), 204–213.

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