Correlation of postural alterations with musculoskeletal pains


  • Fernanda Rezende Campos Falcão
  • Ana Paula Silva Marinho
  • Kátia Nunes Sá



Musculoskeletal pain - Postural alteration.


The consuming suffered for the body, which had to the activities of the daily life, can be aggravated by inadequate positions, therefore shunting lines in the anatomical position intend weaveeed soft and overload the body structures. The bad position can result in pain and the pain can cause postural alteration. To correlate musculoskeletal pains and posturais alterations. Work of transversal cut with composed sample for employees and academics of a college of Physiotherapy, Salvador-BA, both the sex, between 20 and 50 years and with, at least, a musculoskeletal pain. The participants had filled a questionnaire and had been photographed with the digital chamber for the taking of the images in the sights lateral left, posterior and previous. For the analysis of the results, used the statistical tests chi-square of Pearson and ratio Likelihood chi-square for verification of the association enters pains most prevalent and the posturais alterations of the next places to analyzed pains. Tthe sample was composed of 54 people, being that 58% never had carried through treatment for pain, 83.3% presented anteriorizada head, 68.5% hiperlordose and 66.6% pelvic anteversão. The pain places most prevalent had been lumbar column (39.7%), cervical (12.2%) and torácica (12.2%). In the group with low back pain (p=0,98). similarity in considered posturais shunting lines was observed; in the group with pain torácica (p=0,92), one met more people with posturais shunting lines in the regions lumbar and thoracic and the group cervical pain (p=0,69) the majority of people had shunting lines in the thoracic region and the inclination of the head. The study it demonstrated not to exist association of posturais alterations with musculoskeletal pain in the studied population.


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How to Cite

Falcão, F. R. C., Marinho, A. P. S., & Sá, K. N. (2007). Correlation of postural alterations with musculoskeletal pains. Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 6(1), 54–62.