Collective and Networked Learning Developed in Enterprises Formed by Women in the Solidarity Economy: A PostColonialist Analysis of a Feminist Self-Management Practice



solidarity economy, cooperation networks, self-management, feminist self-management practices, collective learning


This research arises from studies of women's management practices from the place of selfmanagement within the scope of the Feminist Solidarity Economy Network (Resf) and, therefore, the term feminist practices of self-management was developed throughout the research, considering the practices that are performed in the Solidarity Economy (ES). The objective of this research is to identify and analyze one of the feminist practices of self-management observed in the field: the development of collective and networked learning. The main theoretical contributions used to mediate the discussion are based on studies of feminist management practices, on the perspective of substantive rationality, on studies on organizational learning and the post-colonialist view that adheres to the context of women in the SE. The data collection was implemented based on thematic oral history in semi-structured interviews with women from Resf and direct and indirect field observation between the years 2018 and 2021, recorded in fielddiaries. The perspective adopted for data analysis is critical discourse analysis. The results point to the following findings: (I) no hierarchization of the organization of learning practices; (II) intense exchange of information inside and outside the network based on reciprocal ties; (III) a form of
learning that prioritizes experiences with a system of activities in which knowing is not separated from doing. For the women, knowledge is integrated and distributed in the life of the community, which necessarily requires the involvement that comes from the sense of belonging and mutual care that unites them. 


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Author Biographies

Maria de Nazaré Moraes Soares, Universidade Federal do Ceará

PhD in Administration and Controllership from the Federal University of Ceará. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Ceará, working at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies. Permanent Professor of the Post-graduate Program in Public Policy Evaluation. Coordinator of the Center for Studies and Research on Gender, Age and Family (Negif). Affiliated with the Center for Studies on Gender, Age and Family (Neabi) of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará (IFCE). CNPq Researcher. Member of the Entrepreneurial Citizenship Institute Academy (ICE Academy). Member of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Commission of the Regional Administration Council of Ceará (CRA-CE). Experience in teaching, research and extension in the field of public administration.

Sílvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças, Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes

PhD in Statistics and Operational Research from the University of Lisbon, with a post-doctorate in Mathematical Methods Applied to Economics and Management from the University of the Algarve. Associate Professor at Instituto Superior Manuel Teixeira Gomes, where she is Director of the Degree in Data Science. Invited Adjunct Professor at the University of the Algarve, Researcher at Copelabs and Ceaul, and Founder of Dataoutbox. She works in teaching, research and consulting in Data Science.

José Carlos Lázaro da Silva Filho, Universidade Federal do Ceará

PhD in Environmental Planning from the Technische Universität Berlin, with a post-doctorate in Technology and Society from the Technische Universität Berlin. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Ceará. Acts in the PPAC and PPAC-Professional. Coordinates the Innovation and Social and Environmental Sustainability Research Group (InoS). Researcher for the Chief Scientist Program with the Secretariat of Culture of the State of Ceará. Research on social innovations, social entrepreneurship and social and cultural innovation ecosystems.



How to Cite

Soares M de NM, Dias Pedro Rebouças SM, Lázaro da Silva Filho JC. Collective and Networked Learning Developed in Enterprises Formed by Women in the Solidarity Economy: A PostColonialist Analysis of a Feminist Self-Management Practice. Organ. Soc. [Internet]. 2023Aug.21 [cited 2024Sep.27];30(106). Available from:


