Feliz aniversário. Autoetnografia. Leitura Subjetiva, Happy birthday. Autoethnography. Subjective ReadingAbstract
The present work aims to make a reading that starts from the subjective perspective for the interpretation of the short story “Feliz Aniversário”, by Clarice Lispector. To this end, we worked with the autoethnographic methodology, based on the theoretical approaches of Annie Rouxel (2012 and 2018), with regard to the concept of cursive reading; Magalhães (2018) discussing the methodological contribution of autoethnography; Stuart Hall (2003), to discuss identification; Abreu (2011) and Sutter (2002), regarding the presence of memory. Thus, we will draw a parallel considering the memories of one of the writers in relation to the analyzed literary text. In this way, it is hoped that readers can also immerse themselves in Clarice's literary text, distancing themselves from the weapons of literary theory, without leaving aside critical reflection in a process of self-identification through memory and the autoethnographic act of reading.
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